Consulting Services
Professional Consult
For support with your business. Services include, but are not limited to Speaking Engagements, Staff Training, Curriculum Building, Professional Writing, Product Formulations, Product Manufacturing, Wellness Business Startup and Integration of Plant Medicine Therapeutics.
Patient Consult
Naturopathic Medical Consultation. This is a one-hour, virtual or telephone consultation, that focuses on the root cause of healing. Alternative modalities will be introduced as healing options, and those will include herbal medicine, nutritional supplementation, homeopathic remedies, food-as-your-medicine approach and overall lifestyle counseling. All Conditions considered, with an emphasis on Autoimmune Disease, Cancer, Mood Imbalances, Neurological (brain) Imbalances, Pediatric health and Preventative Care.
Jamila Owens-Todd
Naturopathic Doctor
Jamila Owens-Todd, Naturopathic Doctor has dedicated her life to supporting those in their healing. Her career started out as a Chemist, working in private industry; government and within the pharmaceutical industry, at a top pharmaceutical company in the Research and Development Department. She then, graduated from the four-year, Naturopathic Doctor degree program at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. A Naturopathic Doctor is a teacher first, and Jamila has pledged to educate and provide insight in regaining your innate healing power. Jamila has maintained a strong commitment to science in her practice, as well as to the greater community. Jamila has blended her own herbal formulas for patients for over fifteen years and has formulated natural products. This led her to her last venture as the Research & Development Manager with a vertically integrated, Medical Cannabis operation. Jamila provides high-quality practitioner and patient education on plant medicine, cannabis safety, dosing and use and has recently joined St. Louis University’s Cannabis Science and Operations Program in Cannabis Pharmacology, as an Adjunct Professor. Jamila has operated as General Manager for a Medical Cannabis Dispensary, where she led the organization from a holistic, patient focus. Currently, In addition to providing quality holistic education and supporting patients in their healing journeys, Jamila is serving as Chief Science Officer of a Medical Cannabis manufacturer. Jamila is honored to serve on the Advisory Board for the Missouri Cannabis Trade Association (MOCANN) in addition to being a board member on JAINE, a Women In Cannabis-focused organization. Jamila has presented on a global stage on topics such as Neuroplasticity and Neurological health, The Endocannabinoid System and NeuroProtective Plants, The Treatment of Breast Cancer with Cannabis and overall Plant Medicine science. Jamila is committed to using science, in order to provide practical, reliable and accessible therapies to patients.